Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I send a friend request?

    Navigate to the Profile section and click on "Send Friend Request".

  • How do I update my profile?

    Navigate to the Profile section and click on "Update Profile".

  • How do I add a desired course?

    Navigate to the Desired Courses section and click on "Add Desired Course".

  • How do I view my desired courses?

    Navigate to the Desired Courses section to see the list of courses you have added.

  • How do I create a competition?

    Navigate to the Competitions section and click on "Add Competition".

  • How do I update competition results?

    Navigate to the Competitions section and click on the "Update" link next to the competition you want to update.

  • How do I add a round?

    Navigate to the Rounds section and click on "Add Round".

  • How do I view my scorecards?

    Navigate to the Scorecards section to see the list of your rounds and scorecards.